Work Integrated Learning Programme Division
Course Handout
Course No. : MEL ZG 573
Course Title : Digital Signal processing
Instructor : : 1. Scope and objective of the course
The major objective of this course is to teach fundamentals of discrete time signals and discrete time systems followed by analysis of discrete time linear time invariant (LTI) systems. Further, it introduces Z-transform and its inverse and followed by their applications to the analysis of LTI systems. A framework for designing analog and digital filters (both FIR and IIR) is introduced starting with mapping of filter specifications from continuous Laplace transformation to Z-transform, structure realization based on Direct, Cascade, and Parallel forms, analysis of finite precision effects, and ultimately implementation and testing. An introduction to DFT followed by algorithms for its efficient computation (FFT) is given. Finally, a brief exposure for using the state-of-the-art DSP architectures for implementing the frequently encountered DSP algorithms: FIR/IIR Filtering and DFT is also provided.
2. Text Book (TB)
Text Book: “DSP: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications” by J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis
R1 “Digital Signal processing: A computer based approach” by Sanjit K. Mitra R2: -> “Digital Computer Arithmetic: J.J.F. Cavanag
3. Course Plan:
No. of classes
Discrete Time signals and systems
Discrete time signals
Analysis of discrete time linear time invariant (LTI)
> Structures for realizing LTI systems
Z Transform
The Direct Z transform and Inverse Z-transform
Analysis of LTI systems in Z-domain
Freq. domain analysis of LTI systems
TB:CH3 & 4;
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
Properties of DFT
Linear Filtering methods based on DFT
Freq. analysis using DFT
Discrete Cosine transform