all of this information in my mind so I can better form these words into sentences. As you read this, your primary memory is processing each word where you can decide whether what you are reading makes sense and allows you to form opinions about it. Decay limits the capacity of primary memory but is vital when keeping attention focused on relevant information. Decay and interference both contribute to primary memory being temporary because they keep information flowing to and from primary memory at any given point.
Interference combines past and primary memories while allowing a person to compare the memories concurrently. What is the process of memory from perception to retrieval What happens when the process is compromised The process of memory from perception to retrieval begins with classifying stored information in the brain and separating it into short-term and long-term categories. The three differing methods of memory retrieval include the recall method, the recollection method, and the recognition method. Once information enters primary memory, it can be discarded, manipulated, or further stored. When information enters primary memory, the brain processes it and if it is relevant to past memories, the brain categorizes them with one another. For example, its like organizing your pantry. You go through and combine like items, meanwhile you are checking expiration dates if the item is expired, you discard it. When the process of retrieval is compromised, a person is unable to recall exact information in its entirety. Either the person just cannot recall information or can only identify small bits and …show more content…
pieces. Is it possible for memory retrieval to be unreliable Why or why not What factors may affect the reliability of ones memory It is possible for memory retrieval to be unreliable for a variety of reasons including environment, bias, cueing, pressure for approval, and many more.
Cueing and bias can cause confusion in victims and/or witnesses. When a victim is being questioned about a crime, the police ask them an overwhelming rush of questions at that point, the victim can become exhausted and say whatever he or she thinks the investigator wants to hear. For a child, they are likely to seek approval and answer questions how they think they should be answered instead of giving the truth in order to please others. Police and investigators have to be very distinctive in the questions they ask because if they open an interrogation with details that the victim or perpetrator should know, that can be considered cueing. Factors that may affect the reliability of ones memory include exhaustion, stress, depression, anxiety, and alcohol or substance abuse. All of these factors can impair judgment and memory so if a victim is targeted while they are intoxicated, they are less likely to remember details about the crime and their testimony can be ruled invalid due to their intoxication. Reference Willingham, D. T. (2007). Cognition The thinking animal (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson/Prentice Hall. PSY 360 Cognitive Psychology Page PAGE 1 of 1 PSY360r2 Y, i-qN3 (f4Av2l_j-OQ
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