Clt is a 41 year old single African American female. She is presently unemployed and receives SSI. She is residing at the LSSI, Kenmore Center The Women's Residence. Before this she was homeless. Clt is mandated by TASC (Treat Alternatives for Safe Communities) for Tx. Clt was mandated for solicitation and possession of crack cocaine. Clt has a Dx. of Bipolar Disorder which is under control at this time with medication. Clt was admitted to detox at LSSI for alcohol, cocaine, and heroin dependence. After detox Clt was admitted to passages, which is a 28 day program, at LSSI Kenmore Center. Clt started using alcohol at the age of 9, cocaine at the age of 17, and heroin at the age of 24. Clt has a level 9th grade education. Clt has a history of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse by family members.
A) Clt is alcohol, cocaine, and heroin dependent but is currently not intoxicated and withdrawal is not imminent. Clts use of alcohol was 22oz of beer daily, one hundred dollars worth of cocaine daily, and ten dollars worth of heroin daily. Clt has had no withdrawal or periods of sobriety prior to Tx. B) There are no current health issues to report at this time C) Clt has a Dx. of Bipolar Disorder. The Dx. of Bipolar Disorder is being treated by a psychiatrist at Thresholds and is under control with the use of her present medications. Clts cognitive abilities are low and child like at times. Clts cognitive abilities may affect the course of Tx. D) Clt is in the Action stage of her recovery. She is currently sober for 37 days. Clt attends four A.A/N.A mandatory meetings a week per The Women’s Residents rules. Clt needs to find a sponsor and has 1 week to do so. Clt appears to be eager and want change in her life, although Clt has expressed “I don’t know what I like besides getting high, but I want to be different now I guess". Clt is cooperative and