Mental health conditions usually affect rational, emotional and volitional aspects and functions of the personality, which are also functions of interest in law, as they are essential at the time of deciding guilt.
This report deals with the issue of the mental health patients in prison and who are on remand. By looking it at a different angle, it may be that the association between criminality and mental illness flows not from a causal relationship, but is only the result of inadequate health systems. Lack of adequate number of hospital beds and lack of community alternatives.
Delivering quality healthcare services in prisons is a complex undertaking, hampered by not only the high level of need amongst prisoners, but also the constraints …show more content…
Historically, the standard of healthcare provided within prisons has been severely criticised (Smith, 1990), with prison environments described as counter-productive to the effective provision of care (Sim, 1994; HAC, 1997; Hughes, 2000). In recent years, however, there have been signs of improvement. Tackling health inequalities is a key priority for HM Prison Service and the UK government in general (DH, 2003; 2004). Current prison healthcare policy asserts that prisoners are entitled to the same range and standard of care as that received by the general population in community settings (HMPS & NHS Executive, 1999; DH & HMPS, 2001).
Work have been made in the medical world when it comes to understanding and labelling of mental illness. With this understanding and identification of different strategies available are needed to deal with them comes the challenge of adapting current practices in the Criminal Justice System to meet these ever growing needs.
So this research proposal and subsequent project will attempt to determine whether prisons are the best place for people who suffer with mental health? or is there something more the government should be doing, it will argue that there are insufficient actions being taken by the Government to find additional help for sufferers with mental health and to see if one can find any recommendations.