Tell us about an experience you had working as a part of a team on a collaborative project. What was your role? What did you learn from that experience? What do you feel you can contribute to a collaborative environment?
Why do you think you are prepared for this type of experience, and what do you hope to gain from it?
Why do you feel training and education are necessary to sustain a career in the field that you are applying to?
Last summer, I had the opportunity to work at Zodiac Day Camp as a counsellor. My co-counsellors and I were responsible for a group of 12 to 14 five- and six-year-olds. We took them throughout the camp and participated with them in various activities, ranging from martial arts to swimming. I had previously …show more content…
This job involved attending many after school rehearsals, workshops, and performances; including the culminating trip to Boston to compete in the 2017 Eastern Show Choir Festival. This was my first time being on the production team of a performance, and it proved to be an incredible learning experience. It became evident to me that in order to execute an amazing show, so many aspects must mesh together, with no part being more important than another. I also learned that the process is just as important as the production. The show was constantly being revised as the rehearsals progressed, which was crucial to the ensemble’s eventual success as first-runners up with a gold medal standard. The final outcome was made all the more rewarding with all of the energy and dedication that went into the performance. I came into this experience knowing practically nothing about being on a tech team, but I soon came to learn that as long as you work hard, show dedication, and are open to suggestion and improvement, you can accomplish a task with great success and learn along the way. This was a unique and interesting experience for me because I am usually a performer, so this opportunity helped me see first-hand what goes into a production in the respect of behind-the-scenes work. Ultimately, this experience gave me a greater appreciation and understanding of the more logistical aspects of performances, and it is now something I am always thinking about, even as a