Besides, the eerie colour of my eyes and my generally horrible personality are enough. I don't know why anyone would want to be seen around me! In all actuality, the main reason I picked Mercutio was, yes, for comedy. Mercutio is a very comedic guy and I can most definitely relate to that. "That's as much as to say, such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams." (II.iiii.45-46). Humour fuels me - my entire being is puns. Alright, Exhibit A: "What do you call a patronizing criminal going down a flight of stairs? A condescending con descending!"... No? Okay, how about: "What's the difference between a dirty bus stop and a lobster with breast implants? One's a crusty bus station and the other's a busty crustacean!" Ah, see? Crude humour. One could definitely say I could take a stab at Mercutio's
Besides, the eerie colour of my eyes and my generally horrible personality are enough. I don't know why anyone would want to be seen around me! In all actuality, the main reason I picked Mercutio was, yes, for comedy. Mercutio is a very comedic guy and I can most definitely relate to that. "That's as much as to say, such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams." (II.iiii.45-46). Humour fuels me - my entire being is puns. Alright, Exhibit A: "What do you call a patronizing criminal going down a flight of stairs? A condescending con descending!"... No? Okay, how about: "What's the difference between a dirty bus stop and a lobster with breast implants? One's a crusty bus station and the other's a busty crustacean!" Ah, see? Crude humour. One could definitely say I could take a stab at Mercutio's