However in spite of all these, a proper public transport system here is more or less non existent. Courtesy the urban planning of the fifties, Bhubaneswar has broad and near about mutually perpendicular roads to effectively support a transport system, which could in turn serve a large section of people(primarily belonging to the student class), heading to their regular destinations, and looking for a cheaper mode of transport . I spent a part of my school and college life away from hometown Bhubaneswar and that required me to use the city bus on a regular basis. I ended up totally falling in love with the system. I shared with it a bond that on being apart made me pine for the sense of comfort I once associated with it. Now back here that’s one thing that I actually miss from before.
I appreciate her existence each day I spend away from her (anything non-living automatically becomes a she in my life) here in Bhubaneswar. She saved me a lot of money and a hell lot of unnecessary grrr (translate to a tiny cubs growling). In all this traveling I have had a million