Research Paper Rough Draft
April 5,2014
Teacher’s Salaries Based on Their Performance in Class The idea of merit pay originated in the year 1950 (Turner, 2010). Other industries are often using performance based pay in order to reward their employees, and one field that uses these methods is professional athletes. There are very few fields where employees can work “as they wish” (Solmon & Podgursky, 2000). Originally, using merit pay in the teaching field failed due to the lack of buy-ins from districts and also due to not finding a great way to measure the teacher performance (Turner, 2010). Business practices cannot be used within the education field because they are not compatible, and also because teaching is not to be considered a business. In more recent years, they have begun to review the idea of performance pay (Solmon & Podgursky, 2000). This idea was put forward by the …show more content…
(2010, September 21). Merit pay study: Teacher bonuses don’t raise student test scores. The Hechinger Report. Retrieved February 17,2014, from http://www..usatoday.com/news/education/2010-09-21-merit-pay_N.htm.
Lewis, B. (2012). Pros and cons of merit pay for teachers. New York Times. Retrieved February 20,2014, from http://k6educators.about.com/od/assessmentandtesting/a/meritypay.htm.
Rosales, J. (2009, November 12). Pay based on test scores? What educators need to know about linking teacher pay to student achievement? National Education Association. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from http://www.nea.org/home/36780.htm.
Solmon, L., & Podgurksy, M. (2000). Pros and cons of merit pay for teachers. Milken Family Foundation. Retrieved February 17,2014, from http://www.emweb.com/public/1152.cfm.
Turner, D. (2010, April 8). State push to pay teachers based on performance. The Associated Press. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from