Have you ever wondered, why are there cave paintings and stories about beings that resemble a lot to humans but have tails like the ones of fish instead of feet, and live in the ocean. A discussion of this topic may lead to questions about the possibility of what we think to be a myth, might be real. It also may lead to questions because it might make us realize we are not the only creatures that do not act only by instinct, but also by reason which make it controversial. Why do dolphins like to play with us and obey us? My answer is simple, mermaids exist. I know many people may disagree with this, or others will try to deny it because of the simple fact that we are unique, therefore no other creature can resemble to us and create handmade weapons or have a more complex language than any other animal of the sea. There is scientific evidence that can support the theory that states that mermaids do exist. The United States government forbade the reproduction of this video and in Colombia it was only presented once. Nevertheless, it is on YouTube. The documentary showed a group of scientists that were in charge of the investigation of whale strandings. These scientists also discovered sounds that came from the sea during the use of sonars. Experiments with these sonars are forbidden because it can damage internal organs of animals and cause strandings. The sounds of these creatures was different from any other known animal, and it was much more sophisticated than any language. They called the creature “The Bloop”. In the documentary, they show that there are theories that state that mermaids were apes like us who them became hominids that were stuck between rocks and could not return to the land so they learned to live in the sea. There are many species that have been descendant from animals that live in land; therefore, apes themselves could have also evolved into animal of thinking and breathing for a long period underwater, and