The currents of the sea and the sun were fond of her. They greeted her every time she …show more content…
These continued over for days, and the relationship became stronger as each day passed by. Plankton grew up and created a family of her own which prompted her to move miles away from her father the king. ‘I wish I could spend my life with you, my daughter,' Said the King, ‘But go and never miss to come home in case I die and am forgotten.' A somber mood engulfed the whole village. The guards were sobbing knowing they would never get an opportunity to go on a tour of the sea again. ‘We will miss you Plankton, safe journey and remember that you will always be in our hearts,’ responded the guards.
Plankton got married and had children. She taught her kids from the onset how to take care of the environment without neglecting the responsibility of taking them around the sea especially across the surface so that they could have a chat just like she did when she was younger and as they enjoy the light necessary for maintaining biodiversity. She knew that failure to be actively involved in producing food would have caused harm to the entire community since it was solely dependent on …show more content…
They called out to the sun, ‘Hey dazzle, please come and take us to mommy,’ But the sun was nowhere to be found. They were on their own. Lost in the sea full of other fierce creatures. Without a trace! They began crying, but their pleas fell on deaf ears. Plankton upon seeing that it was getting dark decided to check on her daughters. They were nowhere to be found. ‘Who could have taken away my little angels, exclaimed Plankton, ‘It better not be those monsters in the name of humans!’ She was willing to undertake precaution to rescue her two daughters. But it was too late. She could not manage to trace where they had taken cover.
Morning came, and the activities of man were slowly encroaching and distorting the peaceful life of the sea. All the sea creatures including the fish turned on their own for food supply. Plankton was disturbed. She regretted living her father's kingdom. Her children were gone. The fishermen had begun clearing the very place she called home. Predating became the order of the day. Plankton's life was at a threat. She could no longer go to the surface to make food and have a chat that she once treasured. The environment had changed, and this brought about turmoil in as far as the ordinary life is