In “Part One: Toronto and Pondicherry”, the reader follows Pi’s thoughts, introducing them to his beliefs and ideologies. What contrasts Pi from any other sixteen year old, is that he questions his beliefs and independently inquires about religious practices. Pi is dissimilar to the student body of his school as he has been brought up in the peculiar environment of a zoo, leading him to have an advanced view on societal aspects of his community by comparing it to the animals in his home. Pi is not inevitably more intelligent than others his age; however, he is ambitious; he was eager to learn and to experience all he could, a very significant heroic quality. Ambition, a quality that is shared among many protagonists, can be a positive characteristic as much as it can be a flaw. Pi had controllable ambitions that do not require him to violate his ethics, vouchsafing him as a true hero.
In “Part Two: The Pacific Ocean”, Pi is faced with the hardships of, as stated in the section’s title, the Pacific Ocean. Pi is forced to care for himself, along with an adult Bengal tiger, developing skills involving acquiring food, fresh water, and shelter. Not every child who has