Psychological Measure Paper
Nettie Gage
Cindy Delgado-Guzman
Tawny Hoinowski
Jessica Johnston
Amanda Pratt
University of Phoenix
March 15, 2010
Psychological Measure Paper
Pessimism, sense of failure, self-dissatisfaction, guilt, punishment, self-dislike, suicidal ideas, crying, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, and loss of appetite are a few of the symptoms one may feel when suffering from depression. The Beck Depression Inventory was created to assist trained professionals in a mental health care setting to assess, detect, and monitor changes in depressive symptoms. This paper outlines the Beck Depression Inventory and how professionals in the mental health profession use the test to …show more content…
assist those suffering from depression (Advameg, 2010).
_Article 1_
The Becks Depression Inventory was designed to be used by mental health or medical professionals.
The Becks Depression Inventory consists of 21 questions, long-form which are used by clinicians and 10 questions, short-form, used by primary care providers (Unknown, 2009). Meta-analysis is a method used for condensing all the genuine statistics of many various studies pertaining to the same subject. A result from a meta-analysis will show the statistics of a correlation or measure of effect size representing all the subjects of a topic (Yin & Fan, 2009). The content validity (degree in which items are represented on the test that is to be measured) of the BDI because the test was designed by clinicians, using depressive symptoms from patients. "Concurrent validity is seen when a measure occurs consistently among existing standards" (Van Wagner, …show more content…
The Beck Depression Inventory was designed by a well-known cognitive therapist named Aaron T. Beck. This psychological test has multiple questions designed to measure the depth of depression (, 2009). The test is designed to detect symptoms of depression by asking 21 questions, each with four possible answers. The primary purpose of the Becks Depression Inventory test is to observe the changes in symptoms of depression by a health care physician. According to the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, "Individual questions of the Becks Depression Inventory assess mood, pessimism, sense of failure, self-dissatisfaction, guilt, punishment, self-dislike, self-accusation, suicidal ideas, crying, irritability, social withdrawal, body image, work difficulties, insomnia, fatigue, appetite, weight loss, bodily preoccupation, and loss of libido" (Unknown, 2009).
_Article 2_
Becks Depression Inventory is used to measure many different depression circumstances. Above it (what is it?) discusses how the inventory is used and the measurement of how deep depression can go based on Becks inventory. The following article on Becks Depression Inventory involves the connection between two epidemics including depressiveness among disability retirement among unemployed compared to the employed. Researchers created a large group inventory of about 14,487 people between the years of 1998 and 2003. They conducted this survey through the mail in which participants would fill out a survey on their employment status. After the surveys were received the researchers based the depression on Becks inventory. The conclusion was that in 1998 the status was employed with little or no depressiveness present. However, in 2003 it was a different because a total of 329 participants retired within five years of the survey. Among them 4.8 were short-term unemployed and 6.7 were long-term unemployed. The ranges for the short-term unemployed were 3.3-17.9% and the long-term unemployed were 2.6 to 14.2 percent. The lowest numbers of depressiveness however were those of the employed participants that only ranged from 1.4 to 7.1% (Anonymous, 2010). This can help prove that staying healthy can be affected by one 's employment status.
_Compare and Contrast articles_
When comparing these two articles, it is easy to see that they both are based on depression and contain some sort of survey to produce results that have the same conclusion, who has depression tendencies and how deep do these types of feelings go.
They also share how symptoms can evolve over time. In article one it asses how each symptom progresses over a period and in the second it span 's over a five year period. However there are differences among who is conducting the survey, in one article it was a primary care physician and the other a group of researchers. The articles are different in the way the survey was conducted, one by a doctor and the other by mail. Even though they were conducted in different ways the outcome of both can not change just because of this fact. In article one it focuses on just random people, but in article two it focuses on a main group of employed or unemployed participants. These two articles may be different when it comes to whom, how, and why but they both have a main focus on depression and how it can affect one 's life in many different ways under different types of
_Need a subtitle here_
These tests are usually done by qualified psychologists or general practitioners when trying to determine if a patient is suffering from depression and to what degree. From these results they can then chose a course of treatment as in medication, seeing a psychologist, or a combination of both. The long form of the BDI is composed of 21 questions or items, each with four possible responses. Each response is assigned a score ranging from zero to three, indicating the severity of the symptom (Advameg, 2010).
There are several items that are measured by these tests such as mood, pessimism, sense of failure, self-dissatisfaction, guilt, punishment, self-dislike, self-accusation, suicidal ideas, crying, irritability, social withdrawal, body image, work difficulties, insomnia, fatigue, appetite, weight loss, bodily preoccupation, and loss of libido (Advameg, 2010). It can also determine which are psychological and which are physical so they can work on other forms of therapy. Sometimes all it takes is working out or eating healthier to get a person out of a depression cycle.
The best measure of BDI would be in the clinical or counseling category. Workplaces normally do not test employees for depression but will cover the treatment with their insurance. It is seen as more as a personal issue than one that should be handled in that environment. Schooling does not get involved either, again due to it being outside of its realm of treatment. However, they do offer counseling for younger children and information for parents when additional treatment is needed.
The Beck 's Depression Inventory (BDI) can yield different results for each specific individual who takes the test. The results vary for those who are considered to be in the general population and for those who have been clinically diagnosed with depression. For the general population if an individual scores over 21 they are considered to be depressed. The individuals that have been clinically diagnosed the results are different. With a score from zero to nine the individual is believed to suffer from minimal depressive symptoms. A score that is in the 10 to 16 range indicate mild depression. The 17 to 29 range indicates that the individual has moderate depression, and if an individual scores in the 30 to 63 range than they are considered to have severe depression.
In order to be a successful psychological measure the BDI needs to be valid; in other words it needs to actually test for what it claims it is testing for, depression. The BDI has been intensely tested for content validity, concurrent validity, and construct validity. The BDI has validity because it was designed by a consensus among a variety of clinicians about depressive symptoms that were displayed by different psychiatric patients (Advameg, 2010).
The BDI was tested using different behaviors, attitudes, and biological factors to insure that there was construct validity. These tests indicate that the BDI can be related to different medical symptoms such as: anxiety, stress, loneliness, sleep patterns, alcoholism, suicidal behaviors, and adjustment among youth (Advameg, 2010). The BDI also has construct validity, or other tests that have the currently existing standards that the BDI has. Some of these tests are Hamilton Depression Scale and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-D but there are 35 other measures that have been shown to have concurrent validity with the BDI (Advameg, 2010).
Advameg, Inc. . (2010). _Beck Depression Inventory ._ Available: Last accessed 10 March 2010.
Depression Epidemiology; Studies from University of Tampere reveal new findings on depression epidemiology. (2010, March). TB & Outbreaks Weekly,119. Retrieved March 10, 2010, from Research Library.
Mind (2009). Beck Depression Inventory. Retrieved January 29, 2010 from
Yin, P. & Fan, X. (2000). Assessing the Reliability of Beck Depression Inventory Scores:Reliability Generalization across Studies. Educational and Psychological Measurement 2000; 60; 201 Retrieved on January 29, 2010, from
Wagner, V. (2009). Reader Question about Clinical and School Psychology: Retrieved March 9, 2010, from