Monday 10/25/10 When I walked to the bus stop with my host sister this morning, I found something was interesting during our conversation. She was telling me that the time period would be changed in NH in winter. But I thought she was talking about the period (a special time for women). I was so confused why women’s period would be changed in winter. Then she asked me whether it would happen in China. I was totally confused why she would ask such an embarrassing question. But I said what I was thinking to her. I told her seriously that period can be decided depending on the environment around you. Then she looked so weird at me and said what you were talking about. At that time I just thought she wasn’t understand me. I was realized she was taking about the time period until she said sunlight. I was felt embarrassed because I misunderstood the word PERIOD in that conversation. People live in here will …show more content…
They took a great percentage of discussion time on the class not because they had some worthy question but because they wanted to talk some boring stuff in order to kill the time. They always choose inappropriate topic and speak out their thinking in order to draw teacher’s attention. Most of the time, the class was interrupted by their random saying. In fact, they dominated the class, using their verbal sparring and fighting for fun. As a girl, I really dislike the way they using the language. They just started a meaningless conversation without thinking, pretending they were out of control. That’s the way they using the language to piss off the other students in the class. Boys they might want to be recognized by teachers and other students in the class. But the way they used is rude and disrespect to people. As a Chinese Proverb goes: “Bu shuo hua ye mei you ren dang ni shi ya ba.” It means No one will regard you as a dummy if you keep listening to