“Life is a Journey” vs “Life is a Game”
This week we’ve learned about the impact that metaphors have on our lives. In Lakoff’s “The Family”, he discusses how metaphors have shaped our moral and political views. He compares the “The Strict Father Model” to “The Nation-as-a-Family” and explains the role they have in shaping our nation’s political views. This comparison encouraged me to analyze other metaphors that seem similar, but are in fact viewed very differently. For this example, we will compare “Life is a Journey” versus “Life is a Game” – both refer to life, but are very different. Are we in control or is there a set design for our lives? Although these two metaphors are different, they do have quite a few similarities and will like to explore all sides of them.
Life is a Journey - Life itself has many twists and turns and perhaps there are no right or wrong turns. We’ve heard many metaphors used to describe one’s journey through life, such as, “I feel lost”, “I’m finally on the right path”, and “I’m at a crossroad in my life”. Life itself has many metaphors. All of which are great, but I feel that “journey” is the most common and popular. The definition of journey is “an act to travel from one place to another; a trip.” (freedictionary.com) So, if life is a journey, are we in control of getting to our destination?
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Viewing life as a game can impact the way we think about our lives. You may feel that life is a game and that you are always competing; or that the decisions were already made for you before you were born, and you’re simply playing the cards you were dealt. Either way, thinking about life as a game can be very powerful and living life as though the “book is already written” has its own positive effects. It depends on how we choose to view