Paper 2
Why Mereological Universalism and Nihilism Are Not Mutually Exclusive In Function
1. Introduction
In the following paper, I 'll attempt to argue that the Mereological Universalism championed by James Van Cleve, and metaphysical nihilism, are more or less reconcilable. What’s more, I’ll argue that the functional understanding of the world occupied by universalists is more or less identical to that which is necessarily employed by all nihilists (or at least all those still living, and what’s more living outside of mental hospitals). I’ll do this first by laying out how, ultimately, it’s necessary for those beholden to polar opposite views of object hood employ very similar functional understandings of the world, and secondly, what scale of measurement both schools of thought would find mutually employable. Finally, I’ll conclude by justifying the stance that choosing either of these two, Universalism or Nihilism is the only logical conclusion; claiming knowledge less than, or beyond (respectively) claimed by either of these extremes is ultimately bogged down in uncertainty.
2. Camus 's Absurdism and Nihilism
Ultimately, metaphysical nihilism as outlined by Van Cleve is all but identical to a realization of the absurd. The absurd is the harsh reality of the human condition that the truth and knowledge striven for above all else by humanity are either non-existent or at the very least perpetually out of reach. Metaphysical Nihilism is nothing less than a physical realization of the same, in so far that unrestrainedly questioning knowledge of any and all aspects of the physical world has dire implications for truth and knowledge on the grand scale.
The Nihilist acknowledges that while there are countless things that have and maintain the appearance of objects (truth and knowledge being the overarching counterparts) as we humans claim to recognize them, he accepts that all the criteria by which we acknowledge these apparent
Cited: Camus, Albert. Myth of Sisyphus, and other essays. New York, Knopf, 1955 ( Spencer Kinsey, . Personal Interview. 3 14 2013.