Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) programs were originally designed to reduce use of heroin and opiates among people addicted to these drugs. Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program has a long history of effiency as a therapy and is a procedure for the addict to become stabilized in their life term.
Treatment for drug addiction is an essential method for breaking one's dependence with drugs, while providing the foundation needed to restore normality into his or her life. At first glance this process seems to be very basic and repetitive as its intent is to achieve the same goal, which is to be drug free. However, the type of drug treatment that is utilized varies from person to person. Once the proper help is provided, the individual will gradually excel first over the addiction and then in life by following the guidelines incorporated in the treatment. In return, the drug treatment will have provided the education and knowledge needed to live a typical life free from drug addiction. In MMT programs, the drug is typically consumed orally, once a day. Most such programs also provide counseling, some medical care, and other ancillary services in addition to the methadone. Generally speaking, the goal of MMTs is to help addicts stop using illicit drugs and resolve the myriad of problems that are contributing to their continued use. In this program the health workers use a long-acting synthetic opiate called Methadone for medication that is given on a daily basis for a maintained period of time, enough to prevent the withdrawal symptoms from the opiate, restrain oneself from the illegal drug, and reduce the desire. Methadone is an opiate transmitter that works by warding off withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings among opiate addicts by stabilizing blood levels and its metabolites. Methadone occupies the brain receptor which blocks the Europhobic and sedating effects of opiates and other substances. At proper doses,