Problem #7 Financial Goal(s): To maintain financial compliance …show more content…
has continued his struggle in achieving his goal of establishing a healthy social support network over the last quarter. Pt has not made any new relationships or attempts to enjoy leisure recreation and associate with positive people, he continues to insolate himself and spend time with his daughter who is dealing with her own addiction. Pt. has not increased his involvement in social/recreational opportunities and was provided with additional encouragement in this area. Counselor will encourage Pt. to continue to work on this long-term goal until he establishes a strong support network and/or move to Florida with his supportive brother. Counselor will prompt Pt. to recognize how a positive support system will assist them in maintaining a crime/drug free life. Pt. will discuss with AMS Counselor and supportive family member(s) how a strong support system is a matter of balance. (If most of the time you isolate yourself from supportive people, places, and things, you are lonely. If you are too open with people, places, and things, you may find yourself getting hurt often.) The Primary counselor will monitor the pt. for