Internal communication is what attracts and retains skilled employees to your business and it is how the management of the business guides employees in reaching the goals of the business.
Internal Method of communication
Notice boards Very effective everyone passing by get the info, cheap process
It is brief, paper form, deal with one subject
Face to Face Forum, Team Briefing, meeting-contact all members, every one can participate
Clear, concise contain lot of information
Very easy to use, low cost, attract lot of employees
Easy to use can get lot of info about employees
Very effective , it is confidential
White board
Easy to use, very cheap
Internal electronic method of communication
Easy to use, reliable, fast process
Including intranet, extranet-Access to web site
Widely used, low cost, very quick
SMS Most widely used
Fast reliable, cheap, contact all employee at once
Voice mail
Effective and cheap
Video /DVD Information is shared to large number of employees, cheap process and very effective
OHP (Over head projector)
Can share images, effective
Wireless (Eg walkie talkie)
Effective, low cost, reliable
Interactive board It is linked with computer , effective to pass info which are stored in computer
External communication is how a business communicates with the general public. It is how they make the public aware of the products and services offered by the business. External communication requires a business image and a professional face.
External Method of communication
Bill boards Very effective everyone passing by get the info, cheap process
It is brief, paper form, deal with one subject
Face to Face