Am I Doing Architecture or Design Work?
Roberto Rivera
ecently, as part of my work as the worldwide architect profession lead at HewlettPackard, I was (once again) engaged in an exchange dealing with the differences between architecture and design work for information systems. Architects obviously do architecture work, while technical consultants and engineers handle the detailed design required to accomplish project goals. This seems a reasonably simple definition, but the devil lies in
Let’s figure out whether you’re more of an architect or a technical consultant or engineer. the details—especially in smaller institutions where people might perform a mixture of architecture and design work.
This debate occurs frequently within the architecture profession. Every time we deliver introductory training of our architecture methodology¾the
HP Global Method for IT
Strategy and Architecture
IT Pro November ❘ December 2007
(HPGM for ITSA)¾the topics that create the most passionate debate revolve around this comparison.The difference between architecture and design work is also an important topic in the professional development of HP
Services employees, because the training and certification that individuals will take to work as an architect differs from what they’d take to work as a technical consultant or engineer.
This isn’t to say that an architect is more important than a technical consultant or engineer
(or vice versa). Each role makes a huge contribution to HP
Services’ ability to deliver compelling and innovative solutions to our clients. It is important to note the differences between architects’ work and that of technical consultants and engineers, though. And in writing this short article, I hope to clarify the subject and promote a more open discussion.
The first thing you must first ask yourself is, “What do my clients expect when I