Performance appraisal of employee is important in managing the human resource of an organization. With the change towards knowledge-based capitalism, maintaining talented knowledge workers is critical. Therefore, discovering and promoting the most qualified candidates is essential because valuable human expertise is the main source of competitive advantage for the organizations. However, management classification of “outstanding”, “poor” and “average” performance may not be an easy decision.
Besides that, superior might also tend to judge the work performance of their subordinates informally and arbitrarily especially without the existence of a system of appraisal. In this paper, we propose a comparison of the performance appraisal methods.
Performance appraisal roots; in the early 20th century; can be traced to Taylor 's pioneering Time and Motion studies.
As a distinct and formal management procedure used in the evaluation of work performance, appraisal really dates from the time of the Second World War. The human inclination to judge can create serious motivational, ethical and legal problems in the workplace. Without a structured appraisal system, there is little chance of ensuring that the judgments made will be lawful, fair, defensible and accurate. Early motivational researchers were aware that different people with roughly equal work abilities could be paid the same amount of money and yet have quite different levels of motivation and performance. As a result, the traditional emphasis on reward outcomes was progressively rejected. In the 1950s in the United States, the potential usefulness of appraisal as tool for motivation and development was gradually recognized. The general model of performance appraisal, as it is known today, began from that time.
Performance appraisal is a critical management tool to evaluate the performance of employees and their contribution to achieving the
Bibliography: 1. CRM magazine 2. Harvard Business Review 3. Managing human resources-Luis R. Gomez-Mejia 4. Managing human resources-Wayne.F.Cascio