To study for the final exam in PMU you have a lot of thing to do In all along the semester. Studying just before few days of the exam is not enough, and it will not help you to get a good grade, because you can't memorize all what you have study it in the class in many weeks in one or two days. First of all, be sure that you are attendance all the class. Don’t skip class. You have to focus with the teacher. This can help you to understand the course more. Take note from the lecture, and write what is the teacher is written in the board. When you go back to home you have a lot of work. Do all your homework. Do not delay your homework. Do it carefully and do not take it from others. You should review what you have toke in the class every time after the class. Study very well for the quizzes, so you can be sure that you don’t lose a lot of marks before the final. It is very important, because you can do your final exam and you are feeling comfortable. Start studying for the final exams should be before than one week at least. Start your studying early, so you can review more than time. Studying early will give you the ability to ask the teacher if find a question or issue that you do not understand it. First of all, check your note, book and your teacher handout, so be sure that you do not missing some of them and they are completed. Let your first review very fast and take a general look, just to know if you understand all the chapters. The second step, start to memorize carefully.
To study for the final exam in PMU you have a lot of thing to do In all along the semester. Studying just before few days of the exam is not enough, and it will not help you to get a good grade, because you can't memorize all what you have study it in the class in many weeks in one or two days. First of all, be sure that you are attendance all the class. Don’t skip class. You have to focus with the teacher. This can help you to understand the course more. Take note from the lecture, and write what is the teacher is written in the board. When you go back to home you have a lot of work. Do all your homework. Do not delay your homework. Do it carefully and do not take it from others. You should review what you have toke in the class every time after the class. Study very well for the quizzes, so you can be sure that you don’t lose a lot of marks before the final. It is very important, because you can do your final exam and you are feeling comfortable. Start studying for the final exams should be before than one week at least. Start your studying early, so you can review more than time. Studying early will give you the ability to ask the teacher if find a question or issue that you do not understand it. First of all, check your note, book and your teacher handout, so be sure that you do not missing some of them and they are completed. Let your first review very fast and take a general look, just to know if you understand all the chapters. The second step, start to memorize carefully.