Methamphetamine quickly affects the brain when either injected or smoked. Within seconds the user will feel a surge of euphoria from an increase in dopamine levels in the brain making the user feel full of energy. Methamphetamine not only stimulates the release of dopamine into the synaptic space, but also prevents neurons from recycling after it is released. This allows the feel of euphoria to persist in the body for an extended period of time. Some of the immediate physical effects of methamphetamine use include: excessive energy, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, decreased appetite, increased respiration, and increased body temperature. Abusers will develop a tolerance to methamphetamines when taken repeatedly, and will modify how they take it in order to replicate the desired effect of euphoria. Addiction is one of the most common consequences of long-term abuse of methamphetamines. Some of the common symptoms of chronic abusers include: increased anxiety, insomnia, alteration in mood, and violent behavior. Methamphetamine abusers can also exhibit signs of psychotic behavior including: hallucinations, paranoia, and delusions. These symptoms can exist for years after a person has stopped using methamphetamines, and can reoccur by periods of extreme stress. Chronic methamphetamine abusers can have significant changes to brain structure and function especially those areas associated with memory and emotion. There is also reduced binding of dopamine to its transport protein within the area of the striatum which is important for movement and memory. Studies have shown that some of the neurobiological effects of methamphetamine abuse appear to be somewhat reversible but can take years. There is an increased incidence of Parkinson’s disease among previous users of methamphetamine. Some users suffer severe physical effects due to years of abuse including noticeable tooth decay, weight loss, and severe skin sores from excessive scratching at skin
Methamphetamine quickly affects the brain when either injected or smoked. Within seconds the user will feel a surge of euphoria from an increase in dopamine levels in the brain making the user feel full of energy. Methamphetamine not only stimulates the release of dopamine into the synaptic space, but also prevents neurons from recycling after it is released. This allows the feel of euphoria to persist in the body for an extended period of time. Some of the immediate physical effects of methamphetamine use include: excessive energy, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, decreased appetite, increased respiration, and increased body temperature. Abusers will develop a tolerance to methamphetamines when taken repeatedly, and will modify how they take it in order to replicate the desired effect of euphoria. Addiction is one of the most common consequences of long-term abuse of methamphetamines. Some of the common symptoms of chronic abusers include: increased anxiety, insomnia, alteration in mood, and violent behavior. Methamphetamine abusers can also exhibit signs of psychotic behavior including: hallucinations, paranoia, and delusions. These symptoms can exist for years after a person has stopped using methamphetamines, and can reoccur by periods of extreme stress. Chronic methamphetamine abusers can have significant changes to brain structure and function especially those areas associated with memory and emotion. There is also reduced binding of dopamine to its transport protein within the area of the striatum which is important for movement and memory. Studies have shown that some of the neurobiological effects of methamphetamine abuse appear to be somewhat reversible but can take years. There is an increased incidence of Parkinson’s disease among previous users of methamphetamine. Some users suffer severe physical effects due to years of abuse including noticeable tooth decay, weight loss, and severe skin sores from excessive scratching at skin