Mexico must look to end the war on drugs as it has not proven to be effective. Mexico has deployed troops across the country in the war on drugs. Despite this, former Mexican foreign minister, Jorge Castaneda, detailed that there are “almost 50,000 dead, almost $50 billion in additional security costs, [and] ever more numerous human rights violations” which has ultimately lead to the discrediting of Mexico to the world. Even with the help of tremendous spending, the war on drugs has not improved—perhaps even worsened—safety in Mexico. Thus, the government must take a new peaceful and …show more content…
The drug trade poses a serious threat to security and protection for the people, especially with drug demand increasing dramatically as of late. Poverty is growing and workers are not receiving fair wages for their labor. Government actions have ultimately been unprofitable. The government has abandoned the people, solely focusing on salvaging a dying economy. Class struggles have fueled many of history’s uprisings and the Mexican people are feeling the effects of being pushed aside by the elitist government. Mexico has had success, as seen in the 1930s, and it is essential to restore the ideals that made the country so prosperous then. Ending the war on drugs and withdrawing from NAFTA are the first steps in restoring the prosperity that Mexico experienced in decades