TH 7-9PM
Mike deVries
Christian Lepore
Lean Manufacturing: Classic Cable Connections
The ability for a company to practice lean manufacturing is very important with respect to the businesses ability to be flexible in regards to internal operations. It allows a company to increase productivity and product quality, while simultaneously decreasing costs and cycle times. Lean manufacturing creates a ceaseless flow that optimizes supply to customer demand. With regards to Classic Cable Connections, the company would benefit from the practice of lean manufacturing because not only would it allow the business to run more smoothly, but it also creates a decrease in customer lead-time.
Firstly, we would recommend that the immediate implementation of cross training amongst the work force. After looking closely at the companies lead times, a heavy portion of the times is allocated to responding to customers who have made orders and also quote requests. Cross training would allow for a worker to log into the RFQ in the incident that the administrator of the RFQ’s was busy with other tasks. It is important that RFQ’s are logged immediately so that the steps after the quote requests can be completed in a timely manner. It is important for all of the employees to feel valued as assets to the companies in order to keep them motivated and able to reach their full potential, especially if you are going to be relying on them to increase their duties and responsibilities. The ability to have cross-trained employees on your staff will undoubtedly result in a reduction of quote requests and customer purchase orders.
Secondly, we would recommend the implementation of an automation, or Jidoka system. The implementation of this system would create detection of production defects automatically. Unfortunately, lead-time increases every time an RFQ or package is sent back which causes the customer to have to wait longer for their finished product. Production errors make up 40%