Employee Portfolio
Complete one matrix for each employee.
Employee name: ____ _____________________
|Self Assessment |Results Summary |Strengths |Weaknesses |
|How Satisfied Am I |52- Low score |Score is not to low and can be |Certain aspects of the job maybe |
|with My Job? | |brought up |causing problems at the work place.|
|Am I Engaged? |30-right in the middle |who are engaged are willing to |Medium level can go both ways for |
| | |devote considerable time to their |positive and negative. |
| | |work | |
|How Are You Feeling |47- little on the high side. |Experiencing Positive emotions, |Can change day to day with |
|Right Now? | |will be more creative. |emotions. |
|What’s My Affect |34-right in the middle |This will not always show the level|You can never know if the person is|
|Intensity? | |of emotion the person is feeling. |happy or sad. |
|What’s My Emotional |31- this score is right in the |Potential to move up into |If the score drops to low this can |
|Intelligence Score? |middle |management within a company. |lead to problems within a team. |
|Am I A Deliberate |33- tends to be quite deliberate |Will make decisions after well |Decisions can be over thought and |
|Decision Maker? | |thought out process. |not even have an