I hope these material is helpful your review of exam.
1:What is a stereotype?
Stereotypes are used during encoding in order to organize and simplify social information. ”A stereotype is an individual’s set of beliefs about the characteristics or attributes of a group.”
And how are they maintained?
1). Overestimating stereotypical frequencies
2). incorrectly explaining behaviors
3). Differentiating minority individuals from oneself
2. Know the common perceptual errors listed on Table 4-1 (p. 88), such as contract effects and halo error.
1) Halo: forming an overall impression and then biasing ratings about the person
2).Leniency: consistently evaluates others in extremely positive fashion.
3).Central: the tendency to avoid all extreme judgments and rate people and objects as average or neutral.
4).Recency effects: the tendency to remember recent information. If the recent information is negative, the person or object is evaluated negatively.
5).contrast effect: the tendency to evaluate people or objects by comparing then with characteristics of recently observed people or objects.
3. be familiar with the research findings on how social cognition influences hiring, performance appraisal, leadership, and communication (pp. 90-91).
Implicit cognition: any thoughts or beliefs automatically activated from memory w/o our conscious awareness
How social cognition affects hiring: interviewers make decisions based on impression of how candidate fits perceived requirements.
How social cognition affects performance appraisal: faulty schemata about what constitutes good vs poor performance can lead to inaccurate performance appraisals which erode work motivation, commitments and loyalty. And individuals can be trained to be more accurate raters of performance.
How social cognition affects leadership: employees’ evaluations of leader effectiveness are influenced by their schemata of good and poor leaders
How social cognition