Mgt 498 Week 4 Competitive Advantages Paper
Competitive Advantages MGT 498 December 5, 2012 Professor Competitive Advantages This study will inform the audience, which competitive advantages Riordan has in common with Apple and Coca Cola. It will distinguish which competitive strategies Riordan may use to increase improvement and sustainability of organization procedures in the global market and the United States. The study will inform why certain types of competitive strategies were used and estimation on how it could affect sustainability of continuing business procedures. Last, it will clarify the effect the global market would have on Riordan’s business strategy. Apple, Coca Cola, and Riordan Manufacturing Company are industry leaders in their own field. One major competitive advantage each company has in common is differentiating their product. Each company has a variety of items that meets the need of the consumers. The three companies sell both nationally and internationally. Apple, Coca Cola, and Riordan Manufacturing increase sales with new product sales promotion, and price discounts, to ensure prices are competitive to consumers in need. These companies use cost leadership, focus, and differentiation tactics to gain a competitive advantage over the competition. Another commonality between the three companies is accountability to recognize employees for operational excellence. Riordan Innovation Strategies Riordan increases innovation and sustainability for the business operations in the United States of America and globally by implementing a strategic capacity plan. This plan increases effectiveness, adds improvement to the supply chain, and implement the methods and concepts of lean production to gain value and over time help sustain competitive advantage. Strategic capacity planning starts with better use of resources by reducing waste of
References: Hill, C. W. (2009). Strategic Capacity Planning in Supply Chain Design for a New Market Opportunity (7th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Valdehueza, G. D. (2009). Strategy Formulation, and Implementation. Retrieved from
Wheelen, T. L., & Hunger, J. D. (2010). Concepts in strategic management and business policy (12th ed.). Upper Saddle Rive, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.