This reaction is a reasonable and strong method used when compounds contain many nitrogens. Diaryprolinol silylether and PhCO_2 H are both catalysts used so that the reaction will continue and result in an acyclonucleoside.
This reaction proved that the 1,4-addition is the preferable addition of the Michael addition reaction of alpha, beta-unsaturated aldehydes when nucleophiles are catalyzed by diphenylprolinol silyl ether. This addition gives the product high enantioselectivity. When the conditions of this reaction were researched, it was determined that if the catalyst had bulky substituents, the product would have higher enantioselectively.
When a catalyst was present, propanol was added to trans-beta-nitrostyrene. The product of this reaction was not formed for four days when the catalyst was in pure water. The catalyst used in this reaction was the most successful when using Michael addition to form nitroalkenes from aldehydes. The products formed from this reaction were highly selective.
N-unprotected 3-substituted 2-oxindoles were transformed to nitrostyrene under simple reaction conditions. Toluene was used as the solvent in this experiment. The results of this reaction determined that there was not a requirement to protect nitrogen to obtain these