*Trait theory of leadership
*Dominant traits that Michael Dell
*transformational leadership
*4 I’s of Transformational Leadership
*Types of Powers
*Michael Dell’s Power
*Q1. Apply the Trait
theory of leadership, identify and describe the dominant traits that
Michael Dell possesses?
*The trait theory of leadership is a
theory based on the personality traits and characteristics of a leader.
*The trait of a leader will determine that person to be successful or not.
*Trait theory of leadership *Visionary
*Stable & consistent goal pursuer
*Open-minded & inspiring
Dominant traits that
Michael Dell possesses
*Q2. What is
transformational leadership? Describe qualities that Michael
Dell possesses as a transformational leader?
Transformational leadership is a leadership style where one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality.
* What is transformational
4 I’s of Transformational
Responsib le OpenMinde dness Micha el Dell
Equalit y Care
*Traits of Michael
*Q3. Explain 2 types of power that has attributed to Michael
Dell success as a leader? *Types of Powers
*Power has been an important aspect of human civilization. *Power basically emanates from position or authority which can influence people both positively and negatively.
*Formal power - legitimate, reward, coercive power *Informal power - expert and referent power.
*Legitimate power emanates from an official
position held by someone, be it in an organization, beurocracy or government etc.
*Reward power uses rewards, perks, new
projects or training opportunities, better roles and monetary benefits to influence people.
*Coercive power - usage of threat to make people do what one desires