Organization Synopsis by Mette Sophia Schophuus
Katrine Nordby Larsen
Maria Nissen Homann
EOK XB CBS - Christian Warming
December 12th 2011
Number of characters: 11.114
Table of Contents
The successful electronic company Apple Inc. has during the last decade grown from being a company almost insolvent to being a worldwide brand. They have succeeded in creating best-selling products that combine software and hardware with focus on exquisite design and the newest technology. The former CEO Steve Jobs has since his rehiring back in 1998 made a huge difference. It is interesting to examine how Apple is structured as an organization, which type of leader Steve Jobs was, and what made him, not only a successful CEO, but also a role model in the world of technologies.
As an attempt to answer the questions above, we have created the following statement of problem with adjoining sub-questions:
In which way has Steve Jobs contributed to Apple’s present success and what similarities should his successor have in order to secure and continue the positive development of Apple?
How is Apple structured as an organization?
Who is Steve Jobs as a leader?
Discuss the future of Apple, after Steve Jobs’ death.
The Structure of Apple Inc.
“There’s tremendous teamwork at the top of the company, which filters down to tremendous teamwork throughout the company. And teamwork is dependent on trusting the other folks to come through with their part, without watching them all the time, but trusting them…” (Steve Jobs, D8 interview 2010)
The organization Apple Inc. has a flat hierarchy with six levels. This makes it possible for the CEO and the Board of Directors to have a larger overview of the company.
The departments at Apple Inc. are functionally grouped. Some (e.g. Global Communication) are then grouped geographically.
The organization is