However, by not disclosing her source when providing statistics, referring to specific amounts, she took the risk of losing credibility from some of her audience. Obama stated, "One in five African Americans between the ages of twenty-five and twenty-nine has gotten a college degree" (16), but how believable is such statement? Without a source, not as believable as Obama wanted it to be. Those receiving a diploma will not question her credibility, since they may know Obama's credentials. However, for those arguing against the need of an education, her statement may seem untrustworthy. Disclosing her source would have helped build a stronger argument rather that opening doors for doubt and
However, by not disclosing her source when providing statistics, referring to specific amounts, she took the risk of losing credibility from some of her audience. Obama stated, "One in five African Americans between the ages of twenty-five and twenty-nine has gotten a college degree" (16), but how believable is such statement? Without a source, not as believable as Obama wanted it to be. Those receiving a diploma will not question her credibility, since they may know Obama's credentials. However, for those arguing against the need of an education, her statement may seem untrustworthy. Disclosing her source would have helped build a stronger argument rather that opening doors for doubt and