Emily Juhl
Section – 3
April 15, 2013
Unknown #8
Family: Enterobacteriaceae
Genus: Serratia
Species: Marcescens
Microorganisms are constantly finding ways to resists to antibiotics. For this reason, it is important to test and observe unknown organisms in the lab to continually improve the health and well being of society. The objective of this report was to first isolate a single colony of an unknown culture on a LB agar plate. From here, a slant was made and used for multiple types of testing in order to determine the identity of the unknown organism. The tests performed to identify the unknown organism included Gram Staining, Fluid thioglycollate/aero-tolerance test, Methyl Red-Vogues Proskauer, SIM test, Lysine Decarboxylase test, Lactose Fermentation test, Simmons Citrate test, and TSI test. The Gram staining technique showed that the organism was Gram negative and bacilli shaped. The fluid thioglycollate test showed that the organism was a facultative anaerobe, meaning ATP can be produced through aerobic respiration or fermentation. Positive results for the remaining tests included Vogues Proskauer test, Lysine Decarboxylase test, Simmons Citrate test, and the motility portion of the SIM test. Negative results included Methyl Red test, Lactose Fermentation test, and the indole and sulfur portion of the SIM test. The TSI test showed a yellow butt and slant, with bubbles and no black precipitate. These conclusions identified the unknown organism as Serratia marcescens.
Introduction The purpose of this paper was to inform the reader of the importance of microbiology in the world today. Microbiology studies the behavior of microorganisms and teaches students about the effect of bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae, and yeast on living things. Studying these microorganisms gives insight to the spread of different diseases and how they can be controlled, treated,