The following metabolic tests were performed on U45 based on instruction given in Microbiology Lab Manual by John P. Harley, and by the instructor:
1. Carbohydrate fermentation
2. Sulfide Indole Motility (SIM) test
3. …show more content…
IMViC contains a series of four tests: Indole, Methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, and Citrate utilization. The indole portion of this test will not be performed since U45 was determined indole negative with the SIM test. The methyl red portion of the IMViC tests utilizes methyl red as a pH indicator and indicates whether a microbe uses the mixed acid fermentation pathway. If the pH falls to 4 or lower (acidic), the indicator turns red, signaling a positive result. If the pH rises to 6 or above, the indicator turns yellow, signifying that the microorganism is negative for mixed acid production. U45 was negative for mixed acids