Microorganism: An organism or a virus too small to be seen without a microscope (smaller than 0.5mm)
Misconceptions of Microorganisms * All microorganisms are pathogenic (disease producing) FALSE * The majority of bacteria are harmless and beneficial TRUE
Aspects of microbiology * Basic biological science * About living cell and how they work * About microbial diversity and their evolution * Applied biological science * What microorganisms do; their role in the nature? * Causative agents of various infectious diseases * Biodegradation, cycling of the matter * Industrial processes based on microbial action
Microorganisms provide a good model system * They are small, easy to handle * Biochemical pathways identical to those plants/animals * Short generation time
Branches of Microbiology * Agricultural Microbiology * Legumes + N2-fixing microorganisms * Fix nitrogen in the air and transform into a usable form * Microorganisms have important role in cycling plant nutrients (N, P, C, S) * Cattle production depend on rumen microorganisms
Food and other products manufactured via microbial activity * Dairy products (yogurt, cheese) * Sauerkraut, pickles * Sausages * Bread * Beer, wine * Etc.
Genetic Engineering * Manipulation of genetics of microbes in order to create new products
Food Microbiology * Food Quality
Aquatic Microbiology * Water quality * What type of water should not be in the pool?
Microorganisms and Energy * Natural Gas (methane) produced by activity of methanogenic bacteria. * Microalgae can be used as a source of biofuels
Impact of Microbes on Earth * The first organisms on the planet Earth (5 billion years ago) * Ubiquitous – can be found everywhere * Photosynthesis *