Michael is 45 years old, and is considered to be in his middle adulthood stage. In this stage in life he will experience changes in physical strength, reaction time, loss of hearing, and a few health changes. These issues might develop earlier than usual since this man does not care about his physical health or appearance.
Michael spent 20 years of his life as an attorney and is now a mentor for troubled male youths. He is dating a 45 year old woman who has 3 adult children of her own. Michael has no children of his own but does not seem to mind surrounding himself around them. Maybe he wants kids but never had the opportunity to have any. He has insecurities with his relationship with Tina, his girlfriend, …show more content…
She lives with him and does not work but cooks and cleans for him, buying the food he enjoys which is high in fat and calories. This is not good for Michael seeing how his doctor has informed him of this being a high health risk due to the family history of cancer. She lives an unsafe lifestyle, not taking the proper precautions while having sex with men. Michael does not agree with her lifestyle and tries to express his concern but Taylor does not listen. Michael should express his concern about her careless lifestyle a little more stern and …show more content…
Michael’s doctor diagnosed him with high blood pressure, which is quite common in 40 percent of adults his age. Knowing their family history, Taylor should try and have a little more concern for her brother’s health. Michael is trying to get healthier, he is taking medication for his high blood pressure, and cutting back on the foods he enjoys most, which is a good start, but exercise would also aide in the minimization of health risks as he gets older. Maybe if Michael’s girlfriend, Tina would express her concern about his health, he might be a little more inclined to becoming physically active and start exercising regularly and it might help him notice his girlfriend’s improvement in their emotional