The primary purpose of this document is to facilitate frequent communication and periodic reviews between supervisors and employees. Performance discussions should be conducted regularly to ensure that individual and department goals remain aligned with division and company goals.
The GLS’ mid-year review is an informal process where employees and managers are required to schedule performance discussions to communicate feedback (recognition, encouragement, and constructive feedback) of their performance based on goals and expectations set at the beginning of the performance period. In addition, the interim review will serve as a source document for both employees and supervisors as they reevaluate their objectives and goals to accommodate changing business needs. Discussion should also include new goals, priorities, targeting specific areas for improvement and establishing a training/development plan, all with specific timeframes.
Please Note: No rating is to be discussed or assigned during the mid year performance review process.
At least one interim review should be conducted during the performance period. The goal of the discussion is to ensure a shared understanding of performance expectations and minimize unpleasant surprises at the year-end performance review.
Getting Ready for Mid-Year Performance Discussions
It’s time for you and your manager to look at what you’ve accomplished since the beginning of the year and what you plan to do for the rest of the year. In other words, the mid-year review discussion combines the elements of both goal-setting and year to date performance against goals.
This discussion should summarize accomplishments to date, identify what goals have been added, eliminated or changed, review priorities and clarify performance expectations moving forward.
Employee Guidelines: Steps for receiving feedback and coaching
Step 1 - Prepare a list of your accomplishments and progress to date: