For example, the family’s housing is poor and inadequate. In the text it states that “The garage was worn down by the years. It had no windows. The walls, eaten by termites, strained to support the roof full of holes. The dirt floor populated by earthworms, looked like a grey road map.” This shows that the home is in very poor condition. But out of all of this, the family does not complain about their living conditions.
One of the main problems for the children is that they have very limited education. Unfortunately it states that, “Suddenly I noticed Papa’s face turn pale as he looked down the road. "Here comes the school bus," he whispered loudly in alarm. Instinctively, Roberto and I ran and hid in the vineyards. We did not want to get in trouble for not going to school.” This shows that the family needs the children to work, picking the fruits in the …show more content…
For example, it states, “Around nine o’clock the temperature has risen to almost one hundred degrees. I was completely soaked in sweat and my mouth felt as if I had been chewing on a handkerchief. I walked over to the end of the row, picked up the jug of water we had brought, and began drinking. No sooner had he said that then I felt sick to my stomach. I dropped to my knees and let the jug roll off my hands. I remained motionless with my eyes glued on the hot sandy ground. All I could hear was the drone of insects. Slowly I began to recover.” This describes the tough and sometimes dangerous working conditions Panchito and other migrant workers must