Professor Street
Writing 121
April 17, 2013
Word count: 908
Draft 1
Richard Sennett, the Sociologist basically states in No Long Term: New Work and the Corrosion of Character" that even though Rico has been prepared by a good disciplined background and solid education, the unstable economy and modern work arena in which he exists, has uprooted him four times (Sennett 152), causing him serious problems in raising his family, establishing long term relationships, and in existing as an upstanding, trustworthy individual. I agree with Sennett: Migration is the equivalent of this, which took place in my life making it difficult to be bonded with friends and family, in a long term network of trustworthy and dependable people; and University and high school ill-prepared me for the shallowness of the short term work arena.
Migration to other countries for better living conditions, better jobs, and better education is like uprooting and moving from state to state in the United States as happened with Rico. Depending on when one migrates: If one starts over during childhood the transition is easier as opposed to whether one starts over in adulthood or their middle aged years as it gets difficult depending on the person and how mentally and physically frail a person he or she is. Many times transitions like this can lead to mental health issues such as depression or schizophrenia. And it is not just or even the person migrating that it happens to sometimes, it can happen to the ones they have left behind.
Migration for better jobs especially is the "no long term" crisis hitting Guyana and its Guyanese population. This is also referred to as a massive "brain drain", where all the skilled and educated people are leaving for other countries.
Even my father's employees leave in search of new and better living and work conditions: they too are “hungry for change" (Sennett 155) and the only thing that is steady is my father's job as a mechanic who has his own