“Guatemala: In the Shadow of the Raid” Frontline Video http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/rough/2009/07/guatemala_a_tal.html Watch the video “Guatemala: In the Shadow of the Raid” and type your response to the following questions in your Discussion Board post:
The deportation raid on the meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa had many different financial repercussions.
1. How did it affect William Toj and his family? (What is his main concern now that he is back in Guatemala?)
William's deportation affected his family enormously, besides the economic strain that his family suffers, his mom has cancer. For him to travel to the U.S, he took a loan to his parent's house. There are barely jobs opportunities in his …show more content…
community they main work the land for their food. Every month he desperately has to look for jobs to make 180$ to pay the creditor for his parent's house. When Willam was working in the U.S, he could have made that amount in 3 days.
2. How did it affect the Iowans in Postville?
This massive deportation affected everyone in this town; every day someone is leaving the town.
They now called it the ghost town. Stores are barely functioning; employees are not getting paid. With the massive deportation, this community has to currency flow. This town was supported by illegal immigrates.
3. What is the motivation for the Guatemalans in the film to migrate to the United States?
The motivation is to work here in the United States and be able to provide a better life for their families in their countries. It's following the American dream
4. What are the risks and the benefits of migrating?
The migration population faces an enormity risk, which many are willing to face to an opportunity of the American dream. The risks of migration, to start before they leave the country many of them have to sell what little they have or acquire more debt to travel. Migrates may travel with smugglers, or by themselves. Smugglers services are very expensive for many of them migrants, in the majority of the cases traveling with smugglers is not a guaranty that they won't be kidnapped, robbed, raped, left behind or death. While traveling, they face death on the tracks of the train The Beast ( La Bestia); many migrate get on, or they face the heat of desserts. For the ones that do complete their journey arriving at the U.S they or have to work hiding their legal status to provide their families with a better quality of
The benefits are improving the lives and families.