<br>The first of the new "superjails" will be opened in Penetanguishine, a small rural community north of Toronto. This jail is slated to be home to the province 's first privatized superjail and the issue has created a storm of controversy. In November of 1999, the Ministry of Corrections announced that the new 1200 bed facility would be turned over to the private sector, contrary to what the municipality had been previously told. Wayne Redditt is a member of a local citizen 's committee opposed to the privatization venture. "The municipality entered into this deal because they thought they were going be getting a lot of good paying OPSEU (Ontario Public Sector Employees Union) jobs. People were told it was going to be a publicly run facility. Then after the election we are told that it
Bibliography: /b> <br>1. Redditt, Wayne. Interview. HighGrader Magazine Summer 2000 <br>2. Scanlon, Barry. Press Release. OPSEU Website Sept. 7, 2000 <br>3. Dawe, Brian. Interview. HighGrader Magazine Summer 2000 <br>4. Daniels, Mary Lou. Press Release. OPSEU Website Dec. 03, 1999. <br>5. Casselman, Leah. Press Release. OPSEU Website May 26, 2000. <br>6. MacDougall, Doug. Press Release. OPSEU Website Aug. 08, 2000 <br>7. Cunningham, Diane. Interview. Ministry Website (Hansard) October 2000. <br>8. Casselman, Leah. Press Release. OPSEU Website June 23, 2000. <br>9. Taylor, Darryl. Press Release. OPSEU Website Sept. 21, 2000.