with her family, which includes: a mother, brother, and her boyfriend. Miki is a first-year
student in the Master’s of Occupational Therapy Program at Stockton University, and is
working her way to be an occupational therapist. In undergraduate, Miki was involved in
Stockton’s Environmental Club. Currently, she is involved in SOTA (Stockton
Occupational Therapy Association). Miki’s hobbies are playing with her chickens,
singing and eating. Miki does not work during the school year, but works during the
summer part time at a variety of jobs. Miki is not very physically active, but would like to
be; she says her boyfriend is her motivator. Miki values family, traditions, and also …show more content…
Miki is very spiritual; she believes change comes from
within. Miki also believes that her deceased grandparents are always watching over her,
and in karma (what goes around comes back around).
Miki completed a wellness assessment tool, which provided scores to determine
Miki’s wellness in different aspects of her life. Miki scored lowest on physical wellness
and emotional wellness. From a strengths-based perspective, Miki scored the highest on
spiritual wellness and environmental wellness. Miki also completed a strengths
worksheet. Miki recognized that some of her best skills include her being artistic and
creative. Miki also identified her best personal qualities, which include her being
dedicated, determined, responsible, and willing to learn. These two wellness tools will
help determine goals that are unique and specific to