Semestre Agosto - Diciembre 2013.
Caso “Design thinking and innovation at Apple”.
Valor: 15% de la calificación del primer parcial.
Fecha límite de entrega: sábado 21 de septiembre, 11:00 pm
Lee el caso “Design thinking and innovation at Apple”, que encontrarás ubicado en la sección de “Archivos” del grupo de esta clase en Facebook.
Una vez que lo hayas leido, realiza lo siguiente:
1. Forma equipos de dos personas.
2. Haz un mapa mental que represente lo que se plantea en el caso.
3. Busca y ve el video “Steve Jobs interview: I hired the wrong guy” (duración aproximada de menos de 1 minuto). Haz un mapa mental del mismo.
4. Busca y ve el video “Think different” (duración aproximada de 1 minuto). Haz un mapa mental del mismo.
5. Investiga el concepto de “Design Thinking”. Haz un reporte con los resultados de tu investigación.
Analiza esta información:
Share price in 1997 (Jobs comes back): about $5; share price in early 2010: about $250.
Market capitalization (early 2010): about $250 billion; greater than GE, 7x of Sony, which have higher revenue and significantly more products and people.
Revenue: about $35 billion in 2009; expected to reach about $50 billion in 2010.
Application store(s): 1 billion downloads in 9 months after launch; 1 million iPads sold after 4weeks (as of case date).
En equipo, responde cada una de las siguiente preguntas:
1. What is innovation? What does innovation mean?
2. Why has Apple been so successful? What do you attribute it to?
3. We’ve been talking about innovation, and we’re now looking at Apple and its success. Where does ‘innovation’ fit into that success? What is innovation at Apple?
4. Is there a systematic “approach” to innovation at Apple? If yes, how would you characterize it? Can it be imitated? If no, why not?
5. What business is Apple in? Computers? Cell phones? Innovation itself?
6. If you competed against them, would they be vulnerable? Do they have an Achilles