Theoretical Intervention Milan Family Model
Yolanda Massey
Shaw University-Prof. Reed
The Milan Model was formed in Milan, Italy in 1979 this model was used to change behaviors within families who had members that opposed counseling into a positive ideology based on the strengths represented with in the family. This approach has been revised several times resulting in several different techniques and interventions established within the confines of the initial model.
Milan Family Model Theoretical Intervention Paper
The article “Family Therapy and Beyond: Where is the Milan Systemic Approach Today?” is an article that provides a historical understanding of the foundations of the Milan Model and the basis for the findings of the model. This model starts a little over thirty years ago in Milan, Italy. The model was based on creating an intervention within the family counseling session that sought to portray vividly the strengths of the family member that displayed negative characteristics in behavioral patterns. This model is used regularly in hospitals, clinics, schools and nursing homes.
Founders of the Milan Model
The Milan Theory was developed by a four member group of psychologist and psychoanalysts those being; Selvini- Palazzoli, Boscolo, Cechin and Prata. The idea was to approach the problems of communications and behavior problems within families through an aggressive intervention. The approach was introduced in a paper format in 1980. Derived from the paper were techniques and interventions that set the Milan Model apart from the other models used in family counseling clinics throughout Britain.
Changes within the Milan Model
In the mid 80’s the Milan Model was challenged and changed as a result of social constructionist. The change was a result of therapist not dealing with the “truth” of their problem but instead dealing with interventions that allowed the truth to be somewhat suppressed and focused on
Bibliography: Campbell, D. (1999). Family Therapy and Beyond: Where is the Milan Systemic Approach Today? Child Psychology & Psychiatry Review , 8.