It is a thrill for parents to witness a baby milestone, whether it be the first time their baby smiles, grabs onto or hold onto a toy, or rolls over. But what are these milestones and when do babies reach them? How can you tell if your child is just taking his time or is actually delayed and what can influence your child’s development? In most cases babies are fines as long as they do not lag for more than a few months. There should, however, be a concern if your child is not doing what he or she supposed to be doing or he or she is behind for more …show more content…
Some are very curious and are concstantly restless, loves new sitiuation and usually active. Some may be shy, reserved , moody, fussy and slow to engage. All of these can affect how your baby gets to his or her milestone.
Natural strengths:
Think of your own family – is there one person who’s particularly good at writing or loves to build things? Individual fortes can show up as early as age 1, so a child who talks early may well end up being a talented writer. This does not mean that children who are late bloomers in these areas won’t thrive in them eventually, though.
Kids with an older sibling often reach milestones sooner than expected because they push themselves to keep up with their sibling. On the other side, having an older sibling may also mean that milestones come late. If, for instance, a child has an older brother or sister who gets his toys for him rather than letting him get them himself. The kids may get lazy and not do what he needs to do. that's why it is necessary for parents to intervene sometimes, reminding the older child to let his brother try things by himself. Also encouraged that parents not jump in when their babies are not able to do some things by themselves. Offer to help but not take over to do ti for …show more content…
For instance, she’s 15 months old and hasn’t uttered a word . By 15 months, a child should be able to put 2 wods together to express what he or she is trying to say. At 15 months a child should be starting to walk and a child should be able to respond to his or her name when called. If your child is not responding to her name at this time, you should be contacting the care provider. · If the delay is 2 months or more from the normal development or child is 7 months and hasn’t smiled yet or is 17 months old and not walking, · If your child doesn’t seem to understand or respond when you talk, she may need an hearing evaluation or something serious may be going on, bring it to the care provider's attention. Somewhere between 8 and 12 months, most babies will point to their favorite stuffed animals if you ask them where it is, or at least look in the right direction. By 12 to 15 months, they’ll begin to respond to simple verbal requests and can tell you what they want by pointing. Or if you ask a typical 1-year-old to bring you her shoes or sippy cup, she will.
Easing your