My last leader in the military had the flexibility of being both authoritarian and democratic.
The authoritarian leader has the need to maintain control of the group and the democratic leader represents an attempt to find a reasonable compromise between the other two extremes. The democratic leader does attempt to provide direction and to perform both task and social leadership functions (Smith, 2012, pp. 240-241). This leader had to be both because he was directly responsible for lives in certain situations, he had to be direct and unquestioned. Yet, there was time he needed and wanted input from his subordinates.
For example, one of his decisions he made that he wanted input for was whether we wanted to conduct training after work or take a day off to conduct this training. His decision to get his team members input ensured they would be invested in the training and the team members felt they won a victory as they would receive the decision they wanted. The managing of the groups conflicts is not too difficult based on the military rules and
Fortunately, the military have definite strict rules to handle most group conflicts. The rule of the military as stated before, someone always outranks you, even if you are the same rank. It is driven into each person from basic training to know your place in the flight. All throw your military career, you are listed by your rank. So it becomes obvious real quick, the person with the most rank has the last say. So must conflicts are handle in this manner. Eventually, whether everyone received exactly what they wanted, a decision is made.
In conclusion, throughout this paper I discussed I will reflect on the organizational culture and the characteristics of the group, how an individual is integrated into the group and the relevant background factors of the various group members, leadership and how the various concepts discussed in the text and class are used or not used in the group, to include biblical truths and worldview. I will also discuss the process through which the group arrives at important decisions, discuss how the group manages conflict and the organizational culture and the characteristics of the group.