For example, a commissary is a grocery store found on posts or bases. A PX (or Express) is the main shopping center and it usually has one large store, a food court with at least 6 restaurants, those cart shops you see at the mall that have items for sale, and a few smaller shops. A phrase that is also from the military is "Good enough for government work." This phrase is derived from the fact that something has met the minimum of rigorous standards but now is ironic because it is now used to refer to poorly executed
For example, a commissary is a grocery store found on posts or bases. A PX (or Express) is the main shopping center and it usually has one large store, a food court with at least 6 restaurants, those cart shops you see at the mall that have items for sale, and a few smaller shops. A phrase that is also from the military is "Good enough for government work." This phrase is derived from the fact that something has met the minimum of rigorous standards but now is ironic because it is now used to refer to poorly executed