Millennials lives in a more interconnected world. Their world composed largely of different cultures and races, partly due to the influx of immigration. They are in an age of multiculturalism and multilingual (Smith & Clark, 2010, p 3). From the food they eat to the people they meet, Millennials are surrounded by different cultures. They can interact will multiple different races and languages more than ever before (Broidi, 2004, p 74). …show more content…
Smith and Clark (2010) found that Millennials differ from older generations because they are willing to be tolerant and sociable (p 1). They have new concepts about America's future and are more optimist about the world; they are relearning the world through their own methods (Howe & Strauss, 2000, p 7). Instead of resembling the older generation's ideology, Millennials are more openly supportive immigration and racial integration (Pew Research Center, 2010 p 7). They are more willing to understand race and culture rather than straightforward rejection, developing a sense of