Their life together was extremely short and, at times, miserable, but through all the heart ache and sorrow that followed them, they still adored each other. The purpose of this character is to reveal the Colonel’s depressing past and to show why a man of such successful origin is single and so lonely. Also, Brandon’s past mirrors that of Eleanor’s situation with Edward Ferras, giving the two a common understanding about love and how tragic it can be. Another important role this character plays is to indicate the reason Brandon was so involved with Marianne, because she reminds him of Eliza, which he reluctantly reveals to
Their life together was extremely short and, at times, miserable, but through all the heart ache and sorrow that followed them, they still adored each other. The purpose of this character is to reveal the Colonel’s depressing past and to show why a man of such successful origin is single and so lonely. Also, Brandon’s past mirrors that of Eleanor’s situation with Edward Ferras, giving the two a common understanding about love and how tragic it can be. Another important role this character plays is to indicate the reason Brandon was so involved with Marianne, because she reminds him of Eliza, which he reluctantly reveals to