Everyman is innocent until proven guilty is the guidelines of how a freedom and society is based on contrary to the one established in, The Minority Report. After further analyzing this dystopia it further resembles a rotten peach giving an impression of a healthy nutritious pear on the outside when in reality its rotten on the inside. After peeling away at this pre-crime system Dick shows the reader how this system is not preventing crime but redistributing it causing the government to be the enemy. As the system is built on predicting crime it allows the government to arrest any individual on the street with the reasoning that in sometime in their life they will commit a crime. With this setup it gives the government full power over the whole nation allowing
Everyman is innocent until proven guilty is the guidelines of how a freedom and society is based on contrary to the one established in, The Minority Report. After further analyzing this dystopia it further resembles a rotten peach giving an impression of a healthy nutritious pear on the outside when in reality its rotten on the inside. After peeling away at this pre-crime system Dick shows the reader how this system is not preventing crime but redistributing it causing the government to be the enemy. As the system is built on predicting crime it allows the government to arrest any individual on the street with the reasoning that in sometime in their life they will commit a crime. With this setup it gives the government full power over the whole nation allowing