Chapter 1: “Setting the Stage: Technology, the Manager and the Modern Enterprise”
Disruptive technology
Mental models
Learning Objectives:
In the past decade, how has technology helped bring about radical changes across industries and throughout societies? What is the impact of a disruptive technology? What is its trajectory? Why do we care?
To what degree has technology permeated every management discipline? Be able to give a few examples of how technology has changed areas such as finance, marketing, operations, accounting, etc.
What kinds of jobs are available to someone with an IT background?
Chapter 2: “Strategy and Technology: Concepts and Frameworks that Separate Winners from Losers”
Barrier to entry
Business process
Capital intensity
Channel conflict
Competitive advantage
Distribution channels
Economies of scale
Fast follower problem
Imitation-resistant value chain
Information asymmetry
Killer app
Network effects
Operational effectiveness
Porter’s Model of Industry Structure (5 Forces)
Porter’s Model of Competitive Advantage
Resource-based view of competitive advantage
Scale advantages
Search costs
Strategic positioning
Sustainable competitive advantage
Switching costs
Value chain
Viral marketing
Learning Objectives:
How is operational effectiveness different than strategic positioning? To what degree can technology-based competition created operational effectiveness? What is the importance of grounding competitive advantage (CA) in strategic positioning?
What are the four characteristics of a resource that might possibly yield sustainable CA?
Why is technology critical to enabling competitive advantage? What are some examples of firms that have used technology to organize for sustained competitive advantage?
What is the relationship between timing, technology and the creation of resources for CA?